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It's not just a story. I'm currently going through the burst of thoughts on which I should act.
A little intro about me before we dive into the dilemma thing. I'm a student at college who is really curious that whenever he get to know about some cool technology/topic he wants to dive deep and just wanna go through it's bottom and understand it's working and cool stuff you can do with it.
I usually get interested in multiple topics and tech more often then you can think of, But Some how I got my thoughts little clear and wrote things I had to learn and focus on for next few months.
Everything was going smooth until one day I decided to take course on developer productivity(I will do a separate review on the instructor and course just blazingly amazing :JOY:
If you don't know I'm big fan of gnu linux. Linux is sort of thing I would spent my all time on once I start. I've stopped myself so many times when I find myself watching videos and reading articles to install gentoo/arch along with WM, ricing and you know list goes on.
The problems is for some reason I want things perfect like perfect dotfiles, the way you manage them, Nvim config and again list goes on. There is plethora of things you can do with Linux.
fun fact: the image you see above is of a Gentoo penguin(maybe you aren't a linux power user there is linux distro[source based] called gentoo linux) It's the fastest penguin and you can get the analogy.
You might be wondering what does this all have to do with course?
The answer is the course taught how to set up your developer Environment best way possible and how to replicate same environment the chad way in fractions of seconds on any new machine.And guess what It all started with docker container and Ansible to automate the installation of required pkgs when you are on a brand new system and want the same setup as your own machine.
Now I'm like need to learn docker :JOY:
and start with Ansible. Next question I asked my self was what about OS, wm, bar etc. I ignored the thought and moved on to the next session and he addressed another pain point which is dotfiles.
then he talked about tmux(I always thought why and found it complex to run away until now) another pain point. then he talked about wm, bash, git etc. I knew all of 'em and use cli a lot. but the way he used 'em was just gorgeous. My brain was like let's do it all right now and be an Elitist but reality was different.
When I started to figure out stuff I again found myself in rabbit hole of perfection. I wanted to get perfect wm(just google windows manger if you don't have any idea on what I'm talking about) installation and for that when I open it in vim I now want to first have perfect skills to operate on vim and it's configurations.
It's time I look at the problem with a different perspective which gets me things done and be happy at same time without worrying about perfection. I really feel like writing things down can really help me clear out my thoughts and I will be on a path of growth. This is my first blog and sole reason is to document my journey, get clear on aspects I struggle with, hopefully
In fact, before starting a blog I wanted to search a lot on which is best platform and learn to write blog/writing in general(you see this rabbit hole doesn't leave me :JOY:
. but I limited my search watched 2 videos and started it.
So my journey begins, will be documenting most of the things I do in the wild.
key takeaways
- Get clarity
- When in the lifespan of leaf you would call its perfect. (answer is its always perfect and that's the beauty so stop worrying about perfection and just do it)
- First step is always hard so get out of your comfort zone.